The Growing Need for CFO and CIO Collaboration
Versapay surveyed 500 finance and IT leaders to understand their perception of how important collaboration between the CFO and the CIO is.
The Growing Need for CFO and CIO Collaboration
March 8th, 2022
Versapay surveyed 500 finance and IT leaders to understand their perception of how important collaboration between the CFO and the CIO is, as well as determine which members of the C-Suite view digital transformation of AR as a crucial business driver.

In this report you'll:
- Discover why finance departments struggle with cross-team collaboration and alignment
- Hear from leaders on their biggest concerns when undertaking AR transformation projects
- Explore the key drivers of digital transformation in AR
- Uncover how crucial the CFO/CIO relationship is to identifying future business needs, and
- Much more!
Take a peek inside the report

... of respondents agree that there is a need for collaboration between the CFO and the CIO

... of respondents agree that the CFO/CIO relationship is critical to identifying future business needs

... of leaders agree that the collaboration between technical and finance teams is important when it comes to the digital transformation of accounts receivable
The Growing Need for CFO and CIO Collaboration is just a few clicks away!

Business decisions are a collaborative process involving multiple stakeholders and competing priorities. More than ever, CIOs and CFOs must work together to drive efficiency, enhance the customer experience, and ultimately grow revenue.
The traditional decision-making process, however, is rife with challenges. Most pressing—insofar as the digitization and transformation of accounts receivable (AR) is concerned—is a notable misalignment among key stakeholders over the value of automating AR, the prioritization of AR as a key driver in influencing customer experience, and the timing of implementation and deployment.
Pulse and Versapay surveyed 500 IT and finance leaders to understand their perception of how important collaboration between the CFO and the CIO is, as well as determine which members of the C-Suite view digital transformation of AR as a crucial business driver.